Example for SWAN
All the SWAN material is collected in a little subweb consisting of
- three (visible) HTML documents:
- three (visible) plain text documents:
- the UNIX shell script implementing SWAN,
- the (default) report produced by SWAN
for this subweb,
- the report produced by `
swan -a -s
after doing `swan -X -x +r
- one (visible) image file:
- four invisible HTML documents generated by SWAN:
- the (default) overall cross reference and
- (default) individual cross references for all visible HTML documents:
- the xref for the SWAN page,
- the xref for this example page, and
- the xref for the dummy page.
Some `inconsistencies' have been incorporated on purpose.
An internal hyperlink to
a nonexistent resource.
- Fragment1
- An internal hyperlink to undefined Fragment2.
- Fragment2
- An internal hyperlink to Fragment1,
which has a duplicate definition.