Lobke and Companions
Explore the shapes you can construct from congruent conical segments.
- The sliders control various parameters of the conical segment.
- When pointing at a label in front of a slider or toggle bar,
you get a tooltip with a brief explanation.
- You cannot edit the segment sequence directly.
Instead, use the buttons at the bottom.
- Selecting render preview will include a preview of the four possible
continuations at the end of the strip.
Clicking a previewed segment will add it to the strip.
- Selecting show info will display the length (number of segments),
and the gap between the first and the last segment
(to help ensure closure).
- The predefined settings popup menu offers some predefined settings.
- Reduce n and m to improve rendering performance.
For instance n=16 and m=1 will do fine while exploring.
When finished,
you can increase the values to obtain a smoother picture:
n=36 and m=6 are good.
Tom Verhoeff and Koos Verhoeff.
``Lobke, and Other Constructions from Conical Segments'',
Proceedings of Bridges 2014: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture,
pp. 309-316.